#mech x4 harris
lesbian-bree-davenport · 11 months
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mech-x4 + textposts (1/?)
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digitalfate · 2 years
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Anyway here's some random Mech-X4 gifs bc why not. Idrc if you give credit. Just don't claim as your own.
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youweremadetosoar · 1 year
I made some Mech-X4 wallpapers, thought I’d share :) My favorite one is Veracity’s.
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bories · 2 years
mech-x4 is such a good show please please watch it
im begging more people to watch it !
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victoriasartifact · 6 months
Fandoms I Write For
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School Spirits
Simon Elroy (i love him sm pls)
Maddie Nears
Wally Clark (will not post for him much since he has tons of content already)
Platonic! Xavier Baxter
Platonic! Charley
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Wyatt Lykensen (literally watched the movies because of Pearce so)
Willa Lykensen
Zed Necrodopolis
Eliza Zambie
Platonic! Wynter Barkowitz
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Cobra Kai
Demetri Alexopoulos (aka my spirit animal)
Tory Nichols
Miguel Diaz
Samantha LaRusso
Aisha Robinson
Johnny Lawrence
Amanda LaRusso
Platonic! Robby Keene
Platonic! Eli/Hawk Moskowitz
Platonic! Kenny Payne (mentor vibes)
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Mark Walker
Veracity Campbell
Ryan Walker
Spyder Johnson
Platonic! Harris Harris Jr (whoever named him that sucks)
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Blue Beetle
Jaime Reyes
Milagro Reyes
Jenny Kord
Platonic! Rudy Reyes
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My Babysitter’s A Vampire
Sarah Fox (literally the only character)
Benny Weir
Ethan Morgan
Erica Jones
Platonic! Rory Keaner
Platonic! Horace “Jesse” Black
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Julie and the Phantoms
Luke Patterson
Reggie Peters
Platonic! Alex Mercer
Platonic! Julie Molina
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 8 months
Monster? I Hardly Know Her!
The Pearce Joza obsession lives on im afraid 😔
Prompt: "How many fingers am I holding up?"
Fandom: Mech-X4
Characters: Spyder, Harris, and Veracity
Summary: Spyder wakes up, delirious and injured after a monster attack. Harris plays severely unqualified nurse.
Trigger Warnings: injury, mentioned vomit, mentioned death
809 words
Something was screeching. High pitched and whiny, kinda reminding him of a school bell… was he at school right now? No, that didn’t sound right. If not there, then where was he?
He groaned, blinking his eyes open. The screeching didn’t go away. In fact, it only somehow got even worse. He couldn’t see that well, vision all… blurred. Did he normally wear glasses? He couldn’t remember. He was pretty sure he didn’t, but then why else would his eyes be so… messed up?
A dark shape loomed over him. His first thought: dad? His second: please not dad.
The screeching (which he was now beginning to realize was just a ringing in his ears) was polite enough to quiet down some. A win was a win.
“Spyder?” the shape called, sounding like it had come from underwater. Or maybe he was underwater… he really couldn’t tell. “Can you hear me?”
“Harris?” he attempted, throat so scratchy it was painful. He coughed, his lungs burning at the action. “Wh’s goin’ on?”
“Oh, thank god. You took a real bad hit… or, a couple, more accurately. Do you remember the fight?”
His brain felt like it was full of soup, so… probably not. Was that why everything sounded so far away? “Did I win?” he croaked, squinting at the Harris-shaped blob.
“You were sort of… unconscious for most of it. Veracity had to hop on weapons, it was… quite the experience. But yeah, we won.”
He moved to sit up, immediately regretting the attempt. His body curled in on itself on pure instinct, raw pain sprouting in his chest like a… plant or something. 
“Oh, shit, yeah, don’t move!” Harris said, words stumbling over themselves. “We still need to check you out. Leo went to get some supplies… um, on a scale of one to ten, how are you feeling?”
“Mmm, ‘ve had worse,” he slurred. “‘nt hear good…”
“You can’t hear good?” Harris clarified, getting a low groan in response. “Okay, okay, I’ll forgive the grammar this one time on that. Uhhh… how many fingers am I holding up?”
Spyder squinted at the shape of his friend, trying to focus on his where his hands probably were. “Mmm… twelve?” he guessed.
“Yeah, that’s… definitely not right. I’m gonna need to scan you, hold still, okay?”
It wasn’t like he had much choice. If he moved, he was half convinced he’d disintegrate on the spot. God, everything hurt. He’d been knocked around plenty in his life, and he’d definitely had worse, but jesus. It was like his insides were on fire.
But he couldn’t stay down. He couldn’t afford to be dead weight on the team, not even for a minute. Not when he was constantly teetering on the edge of their collective patience. Not after the day Harris had been infected with ooze, had screamed at him that he was always in the way. 
He needed to show them that he wasn’t just the useless fool who didn’t add anything to the team other than plain annoyance. Quickly. Before they realized that it really was all he was and kicked him to the curb. 
“Wh—stop trying to get up!” Harris ordered, pushing him back down. Spyder’s head spun violently, and he had to give himself a moment to swallow down a bit of puke. 
“I’m good,” he hissed through his teeth, doing his best to filter the pain out of his voice. “All good. We’re good.” He still couldn’t actually focus his eyes enough to see the expression on his friend/severely unqualified doctor’s face. 
“I will strap you down, I swear,” he insisted, obviously annoyed. 
“Kinky,” came the unexpected voice of Veracity from somewhere near the door. 
“Wh-that’s not what I — no!” Harris stammered. Spyder wished he could see how red he probably was. He bet it’d be cute. Harris always somehow was.
“Relax, dumbass,” she said with a half-laugh. “Anyway, how are you feeling, kid?” She asked, her voice closer, now. 
“Mmm…” he managed, re-assessing his body to check for pain. To his faint surprise, though it was still definitely there, it felt so… detached from him, now. He felt like he was dreaming. “I think ‘m dying.”
“What?” they both cried in deeply concerned unison. 
Spyder grinned in what he assumed was Harris’s direction. “Cause you look like an angel.”
“I hate gay people,” Veracity mumbled under her breath. 
“I assume,” he continued, “'cause I can’t actually like… see you.”
“That’s… a problem. What can you see?”
“Shapes’n colors,” he slurred, giggling slightly. His head felt like it was going to explode. To be perfectly honest, that did sound pretty sick, though. Not as sick considering it hurt like a bitch. “G’nigh… sweet prince…” he mumbled, hoping his friends would still be there when he woke up again. 
They probably wouldn’t be, but he could dream.
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jackiehicks · 10 months
i haven’t done this in a LOOOONG time. i used to write on here under the url imaginesxyou when i was like 13, but i miss writing and shipping and general tumblr shitposting so bad. i figured i’d do a little introduction to let you guys get to know me, and i’ve put my fandom list here too so you guys know what stuff i might write for!!
so i’m jackie. i’m 20 years old and based in the uk. i’m queer and genderfluid (any pronouns) so i’m happy to write any lgbtq+ requests you guys have. i’m an apprentice travel agent at the moment, and a lot of my time is eaten up by work. however i’ll try and pop on here and answer some of your requests when i can!! my hobbies generally include writing, watching tv and movies, and singing! i sing at my local open mic night and i really love it. i listen to all kinds of music, but i perform strictly 60’s music at the moment. i’m hoping to branch out into 70s and 80s stuff too when i have time. i’m also autistic and my hyperfixations can change quite often, so i’ll likely close some fandoms on my list depending on what i’m fixated on at the time. I’ll also probably add stuff on too as time goes on!
i’ll be writing little drabbles and self inserts (i’m a sucker for all that y/n shit), but also ships! this was a big thing that i did back in the day and the people seemed to love it. you guys probably don’t need it but here’s a quick rundown on how to request!
just pop a fandom and character into my ask box and a description of what sort of thing you’re looking for - it can be as long or as short of a description as you want! i’ll do my best with the given material. there are some things i probably won’t write but i can’t think enough to have a list of those here. if your ask includes something i’m not comfortable writing i’ll just reply and let you know.
similar process - pop a fandom and a description of yourself into the ask box, and once again it can be as brief or as detailed as you see fit. try to include stuff like looks, personality, interests, gender and sexual preference, etc.
as it currently stands, here’s my fandom list that you can request from! requests will be open for all fandoms to kickstart the blog a little. it’s split into movies, tv shows, and music!
high school musical: the musical: the series (current hyperfixation)
grease: rise of the pink ladies
sex education
stranger things
ted lasso
mech x4
kickin it
julie and the phantoms
my babysitter’s a vampire
disney’s zombies
harry potter (but not in a way that supports jk rowling obvs)
ferris bueller’s day off
young guns 2 (specifically the sequel)
sky high
the mighty ducks
dead poets society
lord of the rings
top gun
everybody wants some!!
star trek (2009-2016)
the breakfast club
metal lords
star wars (probably just the movies at the moment, i’m a little behind on the shows)
disney’s descendants
the monkees
the hollies
the beatles
the byrds
nct dream (the only kpop group on here - sorry!)
backstreet boys
the doors
tokio hotel
the jimi hendrix experience
pink floyd
don broco
and that’s my introduction done!! requests are officially open! thank you guys so much, this is gonna be so much fun.
for the first time, this is jackie signing off!
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mechexecute260 · 4 years
Mech-X4 fans?
I’m not sure who’s still out there and active, but as I was going through my drives I found a little writing excerpt that never really fully developed into a fanfic. It’s from Harris’ point of view, while his mind wasn’t his own. I decided I might as well share it since we’re all in quarantine. I know I haven’t been active, but I hope you are all well! If you want to check out my more active sideblogs I’ll link them below: @grakiearts @allthenetflixoriginalcartoons @henrydangerismymiddlename @trollhunterz and my main @thechosenone260
Hope you enjoy this little blast from the past:
To say Harris knew exactly what was going on would be a lie. He could see, but it was like he was watching the world through a stranger, incapable of emotion, movement, or voice. A reality TV show that never shut off. A puppet to an unknown force. So he sat at the bottom of a dark empty pit, paralyzed within himself. But when he saw the person that was no longer himself grab a blaster, aiming it at the technopath's back- his heart hurt. But that wasn't possible; it wasn't his anymore.    
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spyder-incorporated · 6 years
Spyder Topic 2
I know this one is going to be way longer then the first so let’s make this intro short.. 
Season 2 of every Spyder moment where he not so subtly revealed some information about his past aka “The Ultimate Spyder Angst Post Part 2″
P.S. There will be less text in this post because there will be so many gifs.
Versus The New Evil
Why did Spyder just assume everyone was fighting? It sounds like he was running towards the group so I doubt he had heard the conversation. Which means he randomly saw his friends and Varsity players in a group together and automatically assumed everyone was fighting and his idea was to run up and tackle one of the varsity players.
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Look how hard Spyder flinched just then.. 
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I do believe Spyder was joking at this time but (i’m reaching as of now) could Spyder have said that as a joke to hide the fact that he gets injured so much that ice packs are just a regular thing for him?
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Versus The Deep
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Versus The Outbreak
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Versus The Dark Night
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Yeah.. If someone said this to me, I’d feel really upset... Going back to the time when Spyder fixed the arm cannon and saved the others from suffocating, when he threw his candy bar to distract the guards and buy Ryan more time to hack a lock, when he freed himself from the ropes tying him to the chair and helped Ryan and Harris get out of their bonds while the serial killer guy was distracted, when Spyder defended Ryan when Mark was angry before finding out about the adoption, were all these instances not enough to prove that Spyder was a worthy team member? 
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Versus Velocity And Veracity
This part isn’t necessarily angsty but I love how Spyder saw Veracity was having a hard time and went to find her to tell her she was doing fine with the team. 
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Why does Spyder’s face say that he also experienced the same thing? Like he relates to the struggle of going from independent to dependent on friends? Could he have secretly gone through the same thing Veracity is going through with joining the team when he, Ryan and Harris were first becoming friends?
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Sorry there was less text in this one but with the amount of gifs, I wanted to make this post as short as possible.
Part 2 will be coming soon! 
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lesbian-bree-davenport · 11 months
not 2 be mech-x4 in 2023 again but im thinking abt how it's sort of vaguely hinted and played that ryan and harrris are closer with each other than with spyder and it is kinda sad yeah but also my personal headcanon is that spyder has a crush on ryan and has for a while so it hurts for him especially and he gets jealous sometimes but never says anything but like in the first episode where he says "3 equally good friends" that's a moment of insecurity. and notice ryan (intentionally or not) seems to undervalue spyder at times and favor harris especially in s2 and even before if the team is split into 2 groups sometimes it'll be ryan and harris and mark and spyder (which i don't mind bc i think mark and spyder develop a strong bond [ideas for a different post]). anyway. yeah
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grakiearts · 6 years
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So whipped this up real quick in honor of the return of MECH X4 TOMORROW!
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ask-the-mech · 6 years
Harris, we're dying to know what you're thinking rn.
Um Traeger and Traeger? Also I really want juice. ~Harris
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legend has it if you chant ‘harris’ ten times in front of a mirror Harris will show up and yell “DANG SON”
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victoriasartifact · 6 months
Mark Walker Having A Crush On You
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Mark Walker having a crush on you would include…
Mark showing off at every chance he can get (like usual), but way less confident and a lot more awkward failures.
Mark tripping over his words whenever he compliments you.
Mark smiling like an idiot whenever you walk into the room.
Ryan making fun of him for his “awesome Mark Walkerness” disappearing whenever you’re around.
Him getting girl advice from his mother, but then getting super embarrassed when she wants to know more about you.
Mark’s basketball buddies hyping him up whenever you come around.
Ryan and the Mech-X4 team teasing him about you. Even Harris.
Spyder unintentionally revealing his crush on you.
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peanutryan · 4 years
Anyone have ideas for a Mech-X4 oneshot they’d want someone to write? I’m looking for ideas, I haven’t contributed anything to this fandom in a while. Gen preferred, unless it’s a canon relationship I guess?? (which is like.....only Mark/Georgia basically lol) but yeah gen preferred. And if I end up using someone’s idea I will be sure to credit & tag you!!
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I was messing around with editing apps today and I made these. Use them as you wish
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